Khidmat Masyarakat

SOCAR Bekerjasama Dengan PDRM Untuk Menyelesaikan Jenayah

Syarikat ride-sharing ini telah membantu polis menyelesaikan sekurang-kurangnya 34 kes

SOCAR telah mengeluarkan kenyataan hari ini yang mengatakan bahawa mereka bekerjasama rapat dengan Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM). Mereka membantu mempromosikan masyarakat yang lebih selamat. Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif SOCAR Mobility Asia Group, Leon Foong berkata, platform berkongsi kenderaan memberikan sokongan penuh kepada polis. Mereka berkongsi maklumat yang dapat membantu menyelesaikan jenayah dengan lebih cepat.



Ini terbukti berkesan. Maklumat dari SOCAR telah membantu PDRM berjaya menyelesaikan 34 kes dalam tempoh lapan bulan. Dari Julai 2020 hingga Mac 2021.

Sementara itu, Deputi Komisi Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah (CID) Bukit Aman, Datuk Dev Kumar MM Sree mengatakan bahawa orang ramai mempunyai peranan penting. Mereka membantu dalam pencegahan jenayah. Maklumat daripada mereka telah menyumbang kepada banyak kes yang diselesaikan selama ini. Dia memberi jaminan bahawa mereka yang memberikan maklumat mengenai kegiatan jenayah akan tetap tidak dikenali.

Bagi Wang

Sekiranya anda tidak tahu, awal tahun ini SOCAR menyumbang RM10,000 kepada dana kelab Jabatan Siasatan dan Penguatkuasaan Trafik Bukit Aman (JSPT). Ianya sebagai tanda penghargaan kepada pasukan polis.

Ini siaran media Socar dengan lebih banyak maklumat.


Private businesses have a role to play in helping the police ensure a safer society, where we all contribute our knowledge and capabilities to help solve crimes and prevent them in the long run. Taking this responsibility to heart, SOCAR works closely with the Royal Malaysian Police in sharing information that helps in cracking cases.

Help Solve Crimes

“At SOCAR, we are happy to support the police in information sharing to help solve crimes more quickly, thus ensuring justice for the victims of crime, and helping to promote a safer society in the longer term. While the adoption of technology in our daily life has a vastly positive impact, such technology can sometimes also be abused by those with nefarious intent.

As a responsible technology-enabled mobility platform, we work closely with the Royal Malaysian Police to ensure that our services are used responsibly, thus helping to keep Malaysian residents safe while they benefit from greater freedom in mobility,” said Leon Foong, Group CEO, SOCAR Mobility Asia. From July 2020 to March 2021, information from SOCAR has assisted the Royal Malaysian Police in successfully solving 34 cases.

Police Appreciate

“The police always appreciate the contribution and collaboration of all Malaysian residents – whether they are businesses or individuals, in sharing information that can help us solve crimes more quickly, thus protecting the wellbeing of the people and ensuring that crime does not go unpunished. We hope that potential criminals will be discouraged from their illegal acts when they realise that it is not easy to escape justice in Malaysia, especially with the community supporting PDRM’s efforts.

Witnessed Or Have Knowledge Of Crimes

We encourage and welcome information from the public who may have witnessed crimes or have knowledge of criminal activities and assure that the anonymity of individuals who provide information will be protected,” said Deputy Comm Datuk Dev Kumar MM Sree, Bukit Aman CID Director. He shared that information from the public has contributed to many solved cases over the years, underlining the importance of the public’s role in crime prevention.

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Ross Hadi

Ross Hadi

21 tahun mengacara di radio.
8 tahun bersama Daniel Ferrnandez dalam rancangan Car Tunes di radio.
Kini di sini dan media sosial sejak 2014.

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