
Permainan Papan BMW Anda Boleh Cetak Dan Main di Rumah

Ada beberapa syarikat kereta telah merekabentuk semula logo mereka untuk mempromosikan penjarakan sosial.

Antara jenama itu ialah BMW, yang telah melangkah lebih jauh dengan menyediakan hiburan untuk peminat mereka yang dikawal di rumah. Mereka meletakkan beberapa permainan papan mudah mereka yang boleh dicetak dan boleh dimainkan di rumah.

Mereka bukan yang pertama yang berbuat demikian, walau bagaimanapun. Minggu lepas, Toyota UK memberi kita model kertas DIY untuk dibuat rumah. Ia dilaporkan bahawa Audi dan Mercedes-Benz juga telah mengeluarkan buku warna mereka.

Terdapat juga Karpet Permainan yang lama yang anda mungkin sepatutnya cetak atas kertas bersaiz A4 untuk main dengannya entah bagaimana.

Dibawah adalah cara bermainnya:

Siaran Media


The rules

The objective of the game: The first person to cross the finish line after three laps is the winner.

  • Qualifying for the starting positions: Whoever rolls the highest number before the race starts can place their car on the first grid position behind the starting line. The second highest number is placed second on the grid, and so on.
  • The players start the game in the order of the starting positions. Each player may roll the dice and move forward the corresponding number of spaces.
  • If a player rolls a six during the race, Boost Mode is activated and they are allowed to roll the dice again.
  • Several cars can be on one space at the same time.
  • If you land your car on one of the risk spaces along the track, you are allowed to jump forward the given number of fields or you have to go into reverse gear and move back the given number of spaces.
  • The risk space with the clock means that the player must sit out a round there until it is their turn again.
  • There are two points (dirt track and pit lane) where the player has to choose one of two possible routes. While passing the two red dots, the player already has to decide which way to take. He then has to announce his choice aloud to the other players. The player themselves chooses whether to take risks and choose the shorter but riskier options, or to play it safe with the longer detour.
  • The winner is the player who has crossed the finish line first after 3 laps. So don’t forget to count your laps on the lap counter!


First you can print the front of the paper. Then take it out of the printer, turn it around and print the backside on the same paper.

The rules

The objective of the game is to collect as many pairs as possible.

After the cards have been printed and cut out, they are placed face down on the table. Shuffle them well! Going clockwise, each player may turn over any two cards. If two identical BMW models are visible, the player may park the two cars in their garage and it is their turn again. This continues until they get two different vehicles. Then it is the next player’s turn.

PARK YOUR BMW ( 1 | 2 )

The Rules

Simply print out a playing field for each player, place your BMWs on the coordinate system – without them touching! – protect your playing field from the prying eyes of your opponent and take turns guessing.

PUZZLE DUO ( 1 | 2 )

The Rules

Here joy is in the details. Who is the quickest to discover which two puzzle pieces fit together, and who finds the details that are meant? Simply cut out the puzzle pieces, shuffle, and off you go!

Play Carpet

Tags: BMW, COVID-19

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Ross Hadi

Ross Hadi

21 tahun mengacara di radio.
8 tahun bersama Daniel Ferrnandez dalam rancangan Car Tunes di radio.
Kini di sini dan media sosial sejak 2014.

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